Jun 22, 2010

Miranda Kerr Eye Makeup For Single Eyelid

홑꺼풀 눈을 위한 마린다 커 눈 화장
Miranda Kerr Eye Makeup For Single Eyelid

추천 색깔
오렌지 골드 쉐도우 - 바닐라코 마블링 섀도 12 Gold Coast
골드 쉐도우 - 미샤 더 스타일 아이섀도우 BR201
브라운 쉐도우 - 토니모리 가디스 아이섀도우 골드브라운
Recommended Colors
Orange Gold Shadow - MAC Amber Lights
Gold Shadow - MAC Ricepaper
Brown Shadow - MAC Cut to Fit (The one I actually used)

렌즈 - 일본 브라운 블랙 써클 렌즈
아이라이너 - 펜슬 아이라이너
Lens - Japanese Brown Black Circle Lens
Eyeliner - Pencil Eyeliner

「질문은 댓글로 요청은 쪽지나 방명록으로 해주세요」
「Questions in the comment, Requests by email please」


  1. I love it!!!! :)

    Keep Posting!!! <3

    Much Love,
    enchi :3

  2. Just wondering, where do you get your lenses?

  3. it feels awkward looking at the very last picture haha. Thanks for the tutorial! I'm gonna try this out :)

  4. Nice! I like the new format of the tutorials, lots more info! I also like how you include the picture of both eyes farther away, that would be awesome if you did that for the rest of your tutorials from now on (:

  5. Great tutorial as always! I'm loving the new format for the tutorials too =) I'm glad that you're updating again! This look is really pretty.

    Do you think you could do some "black soshi" looks from SNSD's "Run" video?

  6. enchi: THANKS! u r so nice lol

    Anonymous: mm this one I actually got at pinky paradise YUP! but I get them from either korea or pinky paradise

    TiFF TuMS: HAHA really? yeah... it is huge difference lol ooo TELL ME IF U LIKE IT!

    alex: Thanks yeah I actually like my new format also and I am seriously perfectionist so it is not often that I say this lol well this was a special day with my eyes, where both of my eyelids were gone coz i cried so much watching a sad movie the night before! but if it ever happens again ill try to! THANKS!

    'chelle: HAHA thanks! yeah I was trying to figure out how to make it look neat with korean and english and this is the end result lol ill look into snsd black style :) THANK YOU

  7. I wonder the effect of bags under the eyes. It is created to make eyes look bigger, isn't it?

  8. Anonymous: Yeah i think it gives it more dimension to it and makes it more pop!

  9. i love how your tutorials are so easy to follow :)
    step by step instrucctionss :D

    also, i love that you dont need to line the water line for this one/some of your other ones
    :x lining waterline always makes me squeamish but everyone has it as a step = =
